寒衣节的意义 寒衣节的英文
- 作者:万年历小编
- 来源自:万年历网
- 时间:2024-08-05
寒衣节告诉我们每个人都应该放弃浊思尘念,清净身心,正心诚意,用心灵与天地自然交流融合,这是寒衣节的精神与灵魂,也是寒衣节值得发扬的意义。寒衣节为每年农历十月初一,是我国祭祀的传统节日。也称为“十月朝”、“祭祖节”。 寒衣节也意味严冬的到来。自古以来就有新收时祭奠祖宗的习俗,以以孝敬,不忘本。古人们也在农历十月初一用黍嚯祭祀祖先。农历十月初-祭祀祖先,有家祭、也有墓祭,南北方都是如此,这个代表了我们中华民族的优良美德。
英文:Winter Clothing Festival
To lunar calendar in October the first, "October", also called "ancestor worship festival". For sending woolies section. Which is also called ghost cloudy day, this day, with a special focus on memorial wu, first of woolies. Hungry ghost festival tomb-sweeping day with spring, autumn, and known as one of three big "ghost festival". To avoid people first in the land of the dead was cold cold, on this day, people will burn colored paper, sent for its warm clothing, and combined with to send warm ghosts. October, burn woolies, repose the present to the memory of the fallen, is bearing the weight of the compassion of the living to the dead. At the same time, the day also marks the arrival of winter, so also is to care about people such as parents' love to send clothes for days.
每年农历十月初一,谓之“十月朝”,又称“祭祖节”。为送寒衣节。 亦称冥阴节,这一天,特别注重祭奠先亡之人,谓之送寒衣。与春季的清明节,秋季的中元节,并称为一年之中的三大“鬼节”。为免先人们在阴曹地府挨冷受冻,这一天,人们要焚烧五色纸,为其送去御寒的衣物,并连带着给孤魂野鬼送温暖。十月一,烧寒衣,寄托着今人对故人的怀念,承载着生者对逝者的悲悯。 同时,这一天也标志着严冬的到来,所以也是父母爱人等为所关心的人送御寒衣物的日子。
寒衣节; 孟姜女千里送寒衣:
winter clothing festival
meng jiangnu send thousands of miles winter coat: in ancient times there was a mr。 meng home is a gourd vine growth, growth to the next node a big calabash gourd, two people consultation(协商) will be equally, however, there is a girl in hyacinth, both named meng jiangnu, when meng jiangnu was 16 years old when he met fan xiliang in two married, but the marriage is, fan xiliang was caught to build the great wall of soldiers, to death in the winter, meng jiangnu thinks her husband, went for a thousand miles husband send clothes, but he was dead, she burst into tears, sea waves will destroy the exposed section of the great wall, a skeleton, meng jiangnu wept for seven days and nights of winter clothing, will burn, covered the bones。